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friday lectures

"Internationalization 'at Home'" 

Lecture series of the Center for Teaching and Learning / CTL in cooperation with the OeAD - Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research


The friday lectures discuss strategies in higher education on how to prepare students at their “home-university” to meet the challenging demands of globalisation. In the last 20 years questions of the internationalization of European higher education – also stimulated by the Bologna Process – have moved into the focus of discussion (“mainstreaming of internationalization”). This time the friday lectures will present the multidimensional strategy “internationalization ‘at home’” or “internationalization of the curriculum”, that is ways of integrating intercultural, international and global dimensions into the curricula and teaching/learning processes. From the perspective of different disciplines an expert panel will discuss the prerequisites, advantages as well as problems of implementing English as the language of teaching and learning. The friday lectures will start with the presentation of the publication “Universität in Zeiten von Bologna“ (2012) – a collection of inter/national contributions to the friday lectures including respondences of scholars and students of the University of Vienna.

Respondence and Moderation

The thematic connection of the friday lectures to both the state of the international discussion and the requirements of the University of Vienna is ensured by the contributions of experts from other inter/national universities and organisations as well as by the response of scholars and students or student representatives of the University of Vienna. The moderators of the friday lectures – mostly journalists on science, politics and social topics – offer a professional view from outside of university. The contributions to the friday lecture will be published as audio recordings on the website of the Center for Teaching and Learning / CTL. Students will conduct interviews with the lecturers and produce videocasts which will be published on the website of the CTL and on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/ctlcasts) provided that the lectures give their approval.


OeAD House, Lecture Hall 1 (ground floor), Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

Target Audience

Scholars, lecturers,  inter/national students, experts working in the field of international relations, interested individuals.

Registration is not required!

Further Information:http://ctl.univie.ac.at


Concept, Program, Coordination
Dr.in Brigitte Kossek, Center for Teaching and Learning / CTL, Universität Wien
E-Mail: brigitte.kossek@univie.ac.at
T: +43-1-4277-12056

Mag.a Jessica Beer, OeAD - Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research
E-Mail: jessica.beer@oead.at
T: +43-1-53408-261

Mag.a Dr.in Lottelis Moser, DLE Internationale Beziehungen, Universität Wien
E-Mail: lottelis.moser@univie.ac.at
T: +43-1-4277-18216





Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Universität Wien

Universitätsstraße 5 / 3. St.
1010 Wien
T: +43 1 4277 120 60
F: +43 1 4277 120 28







OeAD-News, Dez. 2012

Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0